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Privacy statement

Physiomotion processes your personal data in a careful manner and in accordance with the law. Physiomotion considers it important that you are aware of how your personal data are processed within Physiomotion. In this privacy statement we inform you about the way your personal data are processed.

Who is responsible for processing of your personal data?
Physiomotion (Chamber of Commerce no./ KvK nr. 24443880) is responsible for the processing of personal data by all business units and subsidiaries of Physiomotion, within the acquirements and the laws of the General Regulation on Personal Data.

The contact details for Physiomotion can be found on the Physiomotion website:
If you still have questions after reading this privacy statement, you can always contact Physiomotion:

Post: Physiomotion
t.a.v. de heer J. P. van Mierlo en/mw. of S.E. Leyh
Adress: 2de Sint Janshof 8
Zipcode: 3011SG - Rotterdam

What is personal data?
Personal data is data that can be traced to a natural person, for example a name, a copy of your passport, your account number or your email address.

Which kind of personal data is collected and processed by Physiomotion?

  • Contact information: name, address, email address, telephone numbers.
  • Identity data: date of birth, copy of passport and/or drivers license, citizen service number.
  • Medical data: data on (para) medical conditions that are important for the treatments to be performed by Physiomotion such as physical and mental condition, any physical limitations, operations, organ problems, medication that you use, what you do for a living. And also the contact details of your doctor.

What for purposes is my personal data used by Physiomotion?
We ask for your personal data to give you the best possible treatment. For an overview of the treatments we carry out, you can consult our website ( We therefore need your data for the execution of the agreement that we enter into with you. If you do not want to provide this information, no agreement can be made with Physiomotion and we cannot be of any further service to you.

We also use your personal data for the following other purposes:

  • To conclude or execute a contract with you;
  • To do statistical research;
  • To be able to make (internal) analyzes (big data research) without the data being traceable to a natural person;
  • To maintain and expand the relationship with you;
  • To personalize your digital internet environment if we offer you this;
  • To give information about services and products or to make (personal) offers (marketing) of Physiomotion;
  • To be able to test or maintain the software systems in which Physiomotion has stored personal data; and
  • To share with a (prospective) legal successor under the general or special title or pledgee of the rights of Physiomotion.

How do we protect your data?
We use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect your (personal) data. We work exclusively with parties that offer a secure system where we store your personal data.

Is there special personal data that is being processed by Physiomotion?

Criminal law data:
Physiomotion does not process criminal records of you.

Citizen Service Number (BSN):
Physiomotion processes your BSN because it needs it for the reimbursements of the health insurer.

Which retention periods apply to Physiomotion?
Physiomotion keeps your personal data as long as you have an agreement with Physiomotion. Physiomotion must also keep your data as long as necessary to comply with statutory retention periods. This period is 10 years for Physiomotion.
Physiomotion will destroy or anonymize your personal data after the applicable storage periods have expired.

In what way does Physiomotion protect my data?
All persons who can take cognizance of personal data on behalf of Physiomotion are obliged to observe and apply secrecy. For example, the employees of Physiomotion.
Physiomotion has applied appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data.

Cooperation with third parties?
Physiomotion uses processors when processing your personal data. Important processors of Physiomotion are Virtuagym / Intramed / Curasoft / Click / Life Plus. The processors of Physiomotion are in principle based within the European Union.

If Physiomotion passes on your personal data to recipients outside the European Union or international organizations, then Physiomotion will inform you in advance whether or not an adequacy decision by the European Commission exists or what appropriate safeguards Physiomotion applies to protect these personal data and where they can be consulted.

If Physiomotion proceeds to rectification, removal or restriction of the use of personal data, it will inform processors and third parties about this, unless this proves impossible or requires a disproportionate amount of effort.

What rights do I have if my personal data are processed by Physiomotion?

  • You have the right to view your personal data;
  • You have the right to correct your personal details or to supplement them if they are incorrect;
  • You can request Physiomotion to stop making personal offers or sending marketing material;
  • You can request Physiomotion to delete your personal data;
  • You can request Physiomotion to transfer your personal data to another party;
  • You can object to the processing of your personal data;

If you wish to make use of one of the above rights, you can direct your request to:
Mr. J.P. van Mierlo and / or Mrs. S.E. Leyh

Changes to this privacy statement
This privacy statement from Physiomotion may be changed one-sided from time to time by Physiomotion. The most recent version is always available on the Physiomotion website.